Event Information Common Rules Missions

The Arnhem mission uses the Close-In Fighting, Immediate Ambush (page 267), Prepared Positions (page 264), Rushing Reserves, Reserves (page 268), Delayed Cavalry Reserves, and Delayed Landing Zone Reserves special rules.

Your Orders

You have reached the bridge and occupied the northern end, you must now hold it until relieved.

The Allies have secured a foothold across the Rhine, you must push them back over Rhine before they are too heavily reinforced.

Arnhem Map

Preparing for battle

  1. The Allied players deployment zone is highlighted on the map.
  2. The Axis players places one Objective in the Allied players’s deployment zone at least 4”/10cm within the Allied deployment zone. Another Objective is deployed by default on the road bridge between the two staircase towers (X).
  3. The Allied players nominates at least half of their platoons to be held in Delayed Landing Zone Reserve or Delayed Cavalry Reserve as appropriate.
  4. The Allied players may hold one platoon in Immediate Ambush.
  5. The Allied players deploys the remaining platoons in their deployment zone.
  6. The Axis players must nominate at least half of their platoons to be held in Reserve. These will arrive from the designated long table edge extending along the southern short table edge to the Nederrijn and 80cm along the northern short table edge.
  7. The Axis player now deploys the remaining platoons on the table, more than 40cm from enemy teams within Line of Sight, or more than 20cm from teams that are entirely out of Line of Sight.
  8. Starting with the Allied players, both sides now deploy any Warrior teams that are not part of a platoon, and all Independent teams. Warriors and Independent teams may also be held in reserve, providing that at least one platoon that they can legally join held in reserve, in this case, they will arrive from reserve with that platoon.

Beginning the Battle

  1. The Allied players places the platoon they held in Immediate Ambush.
  2. Starting with the Axis players, both sides may now make Reconnaissance Deployment moves for any Recce teams they have on table.
  3. The Axis players now decide if they will be using the Rushing Reserves special rule, and if so, moves eligible units onto the table from (A).
  4. The Allied players has the first turn. As both sides are in Prepared Positions, all platoons may begin the game Dug In.

Ending the Battle

The battle ends on or after turn eight when either:
  • the Axis players have Taken any of the Objectives at the start of their turn, or
  • the Allied players starts their turn with no Axis teams within 16”/40cm of either Objective.

Deciding Who Won

The Axis players win if the game ended because they started one of their turns holding an objective. The enemy penetration has been neutralized and the defensive line held.

Otherwise the Allied players win. All enemy counterattacks have been held off and the enemy force ‘written down,’ bringing a major breakthrough that much closer.

Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points Table below.

Mission Special Rules

The Arnhem mission uses the Close-In Fighting, Immediate Ambush (page 267), Prepared Positions (page 264), Rushing Reserves, Reserves (page 268), Delayed Cavalry Reserves, and Delayed Landing Zone Reserves special rules.

Close-In Fighting
The standard table for street-fighting battles is half a normal table size (in our case this means a normal table).

Rushing Reserves
The Axis players may move all their reconnaissance platoons held in reserve, that have vehicles, onto the table from point (A). They may be accompanied by one infantry platoon if it has vehicles. If they chose to do this, they will not roll for reserves before the third turn, however, they will have three dice as normal at this time.

Delayed Cavalry Reserves
This rule works just like normal Delayed Reserves (page 269). However, when determining which platoon are to be held in Delayed Cavalry Reserves, platoons that are not airborne platoons must be selected before airborne platoons. Platoons arriving from reserve, arrive at the south-western corner along any table edge extending to the Nederrijn.

Delayed Landing Zone Reserves
This rule works just like normal Delayed Reserves (page 269). However, if any Airborne platoons are held in reserve they arrive at the north-western corner extending along the long table edge to the Nederrijn and 30cm along the short table edge.

Victory Point Table
The winning players has lost one or no platoons - Stunning Victory 6:1
The winning players has lost two or three platoons - Major Victory 5:2
The winning players has lost four or more platoons - Minor Victory 4:3
If a winning player started the game with nine or more platoons in the player's own company (not including transport platoons), the first destroyed platoon from that company is ignored when determining the victory points above.