Event Information Common Rules Missions

The Luneville mission uses the Fog of War, Thick Morning Fog, Lost in the Fog, Delayed Reserves (page 269) and Meeting Engagement (page 264) special rules.

Your Orders

Our advance force secured Lunneville yesterday before moving on, so we should have an easy road to the assembly area. Unless everyone gets lost in this thick fog, we should be in position to launch our offensive by tomorrow.

When our recon element entered Lunneville this morning, the people there told them that a German unit went through the village yesterday. We don't have any other reports on enemy activities in this area, but anything can hide in this thick fog, so advance with caution.

Joe's Bridge Map

Preparing for battle

  1. The Axis deployment zone is all of the table within 60cm from the eastern table edge. The Allied deployment zone is all of the table within 60cm from the western table edge.
  2. Starting with the Axis players, each side place an Objective in their own deployment zone at least 20cm from all table edges.
  3. Each side now place an Objective in their opponents deployment zone at least 20cm from all table edges.
  4. Each side nominate at least half of their platoons to be held off the table in Delayed Reserve. They then deploy the platoon templates of their remaining units in their deployment zone
  5. Starting with the Axis players, both sides now deploy any Warrior teams that are not part of a platoon, and all Independent teams. Warriors and Independent teams may also be kept off the table and revealed with any platoon from that player's army.

Beginning the Battle

  1. The Axis players have the first turn.

Ending the Battle

The battle ends when either:
  • a player starts their turn having Taken either of the Objectives that were placed in the enemy Deployment Area.
  • or the game runs out of time.

Deciding Who Won

The Axis players win if the game ended because they started one of their turns holding the Objective. Regardless of opposition, they have secured a position to start their offensive.

The Allied players win if the game ended because they started one of their turns holding the Objective. The Allied advance is still rolling forward unaware that an enemy offensive was building up.

Otherwise the side that have destroyed the most enemy platoons win. It may not be a perfect victory, but you did manage to stop the enemy advance, sustaing fewer casualties than inflicted on the enemy.

Calculate your Victory Points using the Victory Points Table below.

Mission Special Rules

The Luneville mission uses the Fog of War, Thick Morning Fog, Lost in the Fog, Delayed Reserves (page 269) and Meeting Engagement (page 264) special rules.

Fog of War
Before deployment, each player numbers each platoon in their force, by placing a platoon counter face down under the command team. Only the owning player knows what platoon correspont to what number.
No platoons are deployed, instead platoon templates matching the platoon counters are deployed on the table. Likewise, platoons held in reserves, are identified by their platoon template when they enter the table.

Moving platoons
All platoons that are represented by their platoon template (i.e. not yet revealed), move 30cm on roads, 20cm in the open and 10cm in terrain regardless of the actual movement allowance of that platoon.
Alle platoons moving into terrain must pass a normal bogging check regardless of what the platoon template is actually representing.

Revealing platoons

  • An owning player may reveal a platoon at any time doing their turn.
  • At the beginning of the Shooting Step (before shooting), players may try to reveal enemy platoons within 60cm by rolling on the Night Visibility Table. All enemy platoon templates within the range rolled, are revealed immediately.
  • If a player wishes to Shoot at (including Spotting) or Assault an enemy platoon, with a platoon not yet revealed to the enemy, he must first reveal that platoon.
When a platoon is revealed, place one of its teams in the center of the platoon template. The platoons remaining teams are placed within command of that team, but with all teams further away from enemy platoons (including templates) than the first team placed. If that is not possible then all teams must be placed further away from the platoon that revealed it. Warriors and independent teams are revealed with any platoon from their force, if they are not deployed in the beginning of the game.

Thick Morning Fog
The game is played under a blanket of fog covering the table. Use the Night Fighting rules on pages 272 and 273 with the following changes. Teams may move at their normal speed and does not re-roll bogging checks. The fog does not Conceal teams seen through it, but you must always roll on the Night Visibility Table to determine if you can see an enemy team, even if that team fired its weapons.

Lost in the Fog
When a platoon arrives from Delayed Reserves roll a die. The platoons template arrive from reserves, from the corresponding road or railway as defined on the map.

Victory Point Table
The winning players has lost one or no platoons - Stunning Victory 6:1
The winning players has lost two or three platoons - Major Victory 5:2
The winning players has lost four or more platoons - Minor Victory 4:3
If a winning player started the game with nine or more platoons in the player's own company (not including transport platoons), the first destroyed platoon from that company is ignored when determining the victory points above.